Process Model Comprehension Test

This test is conducted as part of the experiment reported in the paper titled "Animation as a Dynamic Visualization Technique for Improving Process Model Comprehension" that can be found at this address by Banu Aysolmaz and Hajo A. Reijers. The purpose of this test is to investigate how process model animation affects the comprehension by model readers. The results can be found in the paper.

PRIME tool for process model animation can be reached at: PRIME web page. Please cite the paper when you use the tool for research purposes*.

*Full citation information: Aysolmaz, B., & Reijers, H. A. (2021). Animation as a Dynamic Visualization Technique for Improving Process Model Comprehension. Information & Management, 58(5):103478.

In the following pages, first, you will be requested to fill a survey about your experience with process models. Then you will receive a tutorial about the test. During the test, you will receive 10 process models and 9 questions for each model. You will see each process model in consequtive pages. Determined randomly, you will observe the process models either with or without the animation. The test will be finalized with a short feedback survey.

Please consult us if you have any questions before continuing with the test. For any questions, you can contact

Please perform this test on a Google CHROME Browser!

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